- On Sunday October 6th there will be buses from the Poznań Railway station to Będlewo leaving at 17.00 and 19.00.
- On Friday October 11th there will be buses from Będlewo to the Poznań Railway station leaving from 14.00 to 15.00.
Book of abstracts and the conference schedule
Conference schedule

Recent years have witnessed rapid development of the theory of semigroups of operators. The aim of the conference is to present the state and advances of this theory in Poland and throughout the world. The topics will include: semigroups of operators in stochastic processes, in partial differential equations, in mathematical biology, etc. Attention will be paid to questions of asymptotic behavior and convergence of semigroups, semigroups in Hilbert spaces, functional calculus, and to cosine operator families. Furthermore the conference will commemorate the 80th birthday of prof. Kisyński.
The conference will be held in the Mathematical Research and Conference Center of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Będlewo, a small village south of Poznań (map).
The conference is co-organized and sponsored by NCN (the Polish National Science Center), University of Warsaw, Lublin and Łódź Universities of Technology, Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science .
1. Semigroups of operators in control theory (I. Lasiecka, R. Triggiani and J. Zabczyk).
2. Approximation and perturbation of semigroups (J. Voigt).
3. Asymptotic behaviour of semigroups (J. Tomilov).
4. Semigroups in biology/Markov semigroups (R. Rudnicki).
5. Special classes of operators in Banach and Hilbert spaces (J. Janas).
6. Heat kernels, Green's functions and Hardy spaces (T. Byczkowski and K. Bogdan).
7. Semigroups for evolution equations (A. Rhandi).
8. Semigroups in natural sciences (J Banasiak and W. Lamb).
9. Linear models in chaotic dynamics (A. Peris).
10. Cosine operator functions (A. Bobrowski, W. Chojnacki).
Registration and conference fee
We are sorry, but registration is not possible anymore.
Conference fee
- 1000 PLN / 250 EUR: registration till June, 1st, 2013,
- 1200 PLN / 300 EUR: registration after June, 1st, 2013,
- accommodation,
- meals,
- transport from Poznań to Będlewo and from Będlewo to Poznań,
- conference materials.
In very special cases the fee may be partly waived. Please contact the organizers if you cannot pay the full amount.
Conference fee should be paid to the bank accounts of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences:
- EUR currency account: PL 17 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 1015
- PLN account: 90 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 0962
Bank BPH SA, Oddz. w Warszawie, Aleje Jerozolimskie 27, 00-508 Warszawa
Owner of the account: Instytut Matematyczny PAN, Warszawa, Sniadeckich 8
Please, include your last name and the conference name in the title of the bank transfer.
If you need Polish visa, send your date of birth, your passport's number and expiration date to the