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The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists in mathematics and mathematical physics to exchange experience and knowledge about the most recent developments in the field of finite dimensional integrable classical and quantum systems.
The series originated in 2011, when the first conference was organized in Jena, Germany, and the second was organized in CIRM (Marseille, France) in 2013.
Main Topics
1. Integrability criteria and obstructions to integrability: topological obstructions, dynamical obstructions, differential Galois obstructions
2. Integrable geodesic flows and natural Hamiltonian systems
3. Integrable systems on Lie algebras and symmetric spaces
4. Symplectic and Poisson geometry and integrability
5, Superintegrability.
6. Lax representations, separation of variables
7. Rigid body dynamics
8. Nonholonomic mechanics
9. Quantum integrability and quantization procedures
10. Applications of finite dimensional integrable systems in mathematical physics, celestial mechanics and general relativity
11. Computer algebra methods in the theory of integrable systems.
The planned subjects of the conference are mostly focused on integrable systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. This is the most classical and one of most popular parts of the theory of integrable systems.
We plan to have invited lectures of about 45 minutes, regular talks of about 30 min and a poster session. Titles and abstracts of contributions should be submitted by May 31st; the decisions on acceptances will be made by June 10th.
In order that achieve effective communication between the participants, the number of speakers will be limited. Anticipated attendance of the meeting is approximately 60 persons.
Conference venue
The conference will be held in the lecture room of Będlewo Palace complex where the Mathematical Research and Conference Center is located.
The Mathematical Research and Conference Center has at its disposal hotel rooms, and all participants will be hosted in the Będlewo Palace complex. Cost for one person per day is 135 PLN (hotel + meals).
Financial support
Thanks to the generous support of Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center, Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science, as well as National Science Foundation, there will be no conference fee, and for most participants we predict financial support covering the accommodation costs. For accommodation financial support please mark the apropriate place in your registration form. The participants affiliated with American institutions can obtain some NSF travel support; preference will be given to under-represented minorities and persons in the early stage of career (restrictions, such as "Fly America Act" apply). For more details please contact the Organizers.
May 31, 2015: registration
May 31, 2015: submission of titles and abstracts for contributions