
The conference aims at bringing together specialists in Geometric Singularity Theory interested in Applications, as well as other researchers willing to connect with the Singularity Theory techniques. In particular, the diffusion of these methods and their potentiality in actual research problems among the young researchers (postgraduate and postdoctoral students) is one of the goals of the meeting.
Topics of interest:
- Lagrangian and Legendrian singularities
- Asymptotic behaviour around caustics and wavefronts
- Symplectic singularities, local invariants
- Singular symplectic, contact and Poisson spaces
- Systems of rays, optical caustics
- Bifurcations of caustics and wavefronts
- Singularities of smooth maps and differential forms
- Subanalytic and semialgebraic sets- Lipschitz stratifications
- Blow analytic equivalence
- Singular reduction, Hamiltonian systems and their generalizations
- Applications to physical systems and control theory
- Differential geometry and singularities
- Affine invariants
The conference is co-organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology