Titles and abstracts of all talks are here. For schedule follow this link or download the file.
We plan to have invited lectures of about 45 minutes, regular talks of about 30 min and a poster session.
Titles and abstracts of contribution talks should be submitted by July 20 to the address The decisions on acceptances will be made by July 30. The abstracts should be 1-2 pages long, containing the formulation of the problem and of main results.
Conference venue and dates:
The conference will be held in the lecture room of Będlewo Palace complex where the Mathematical Research and Conference Center is located.
Arrival day is August 23 (Sunday). The conference will start on Monday morning and end on Friday afternoon (leaving on Saturday is admissible).
Further details concerning the travel will be successively given at the conference Web page.
The Mathematical Research and Conference Center has at its disposal hotel rooms, and all participants will be hosted in the Będlewo Palace complex. Cost of participation for one person is 200 EUR or 800 PLN (hotel + meals). The current exchange rate is approximately 1 Euro = 4 PLN.
Details are given here.
July 30, 2015: registration (closed)
July 20, 2015: submission of titles and abstracts of contributions

Aims and scope:
The aim is to bring together specialist of various domains of nonlinear control theory representing theoretical aspects of the field as well as applications (mechanical control systems, robotics, quantum control, distributed decision making). Invited talks are expected to represent various approaches to control theory with emphasis on geometric methods.
Disciplines close to nonlinear control theory, like sub-Riemannian geometry, Poisson and symplectic geometry, geometry of vector distributions and others will be represented in relation to control systems.
Among the invited speakers we are planning to have initiators and representatives of new geometric topics which have emerged recently and have great potential to influence future development of mathematical control theory.
Main topics:
Optimal control
Controllability and stabilization
Systems structure (invariants, symmetries, bifurcations)
Quantum control
Geometry in control (sub-Riemannian, Poisson, symplectic)
Synchronization and consensus, distributed decision making
Applications (robotics, mechanics, vision, swarms and flocks etc.)
Financial support: