Topics in Analysis and Holomorphic Dynamics

Topics in Analysis and Holomorphic Dynamics

14.09.2015 -  19.09.2015 | Warsaw


This workshop will officially start on Tuesday morning September 15, and will finish on Friday evening September 18. However some related seminars/events are planned on Monday September 14 and Saturday September 19. Links to the workshop programme and abstracts of the talks have been added.


This is one of the events accompanying Simons Semester in Banach Center: Dynamical Systems,
September 2015 - December 2015. The idea of the semester is to host scientific leaders, senior and junior, and a number of PhD students and postdocs to be guided. The workshop is an intensive week within the September program in analysis and holomorphic dynamics.

Confirmed invited speakers include:

Magnus Aspenberg (Lund University)
Anna Miriam Benini (Università di Roma `Tor Vergata')
François Berteloot (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
Davoud Cheraghi (Imperial College, London)
Neil Dobbs (Universite Geneve)
Christophe Dupont (Université Rennes)
Núria Fagella (University of Barcelona)
Thomas Gauthier (Université de Picardie, Amiens)
Peter Haïssinsky (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
Genadi Levin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Volker Mayer (Université Lille 1)
Nicolae Mihalache (Université Paris-Est)
Istvan Prause (University of Helsinki)
Mikhail Sodin (Tel Aviv University)
Mariusz Urbański (UNT, Denton)

The organizers will cover local expenses for invited speakers. Also a restricted number of other participants can be supported, with priority for PhD students and postdocs. We suggest to register as soon as possible, but not later than June 25, 2015, to be considered. The admittances for the candidates registered after June 25, 2015 will be possible only exceptionally.
Invited speakers are also kindly asked to register.

The conference e-mail address is