Topological Quantum Groups - Graduate School

Topological Quantum Groups - Graduate School

28 June -  11 July, 2015 | Będlewo




The goal of the current school is to give an introduction to the theory of locally compact quantum groups (which will require almost no prerequisites beyond basic mathematical background that is a part of standard master's degree program), describe some of its connections with other areas of mathematics and at the same time provide specialized courses leading the participants up to the currently studied problems in the field.

We are glad that we have been able to acquire a distinguished list of lecturers for our school. Each of them is an internationally known top-level expert and active researcher in his field. They represent the international scientific community located at the intersection of harmonic analysis and operator algebras, working on locally compact quantum groups.

The detailed program of the school is planned as follows (each lecture course, apart from a three-hour long introduction run by the organizers, will be scheduled for 6 hours):

First week:

  • A quick introduction to basic notions of compact and discrete quantum groups (the organizers)
  • Teodor Banica – Quantum isometry groups
  • Sergey Neshveyev – Compact quantum groups and category theory
  • Kenny De Commer – Actions of compact quantum groups
  • Roland Speicher – Connections between free combinatorics and (representations of) compact quantum groups





Second week:

  • Martijn Caspers – Introduction to locally compact quantum groups
  • Reiji Tomatsu – Boundaries for random walks on discrete classical and quantum groups
  • Michael Brannan – Approximation properties for operator algebras associated to locally compact quantum groups
  • Zhong-Jin Ruan – Harmonic analysis on locally compact quantum groups and connections to operator space theory




We plan on average 5 hours of lectures a day and a 90 minutes long tutorial/problem session each afternoon.


Sponsors of the school

The school is founded with help from the following institutions: