
The aim of this conference is to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Prof. Henryk Woźniakowski, in appreciation of his numerous contributions to information-based complexity (IBC) and computational mathematics in general.
Prof. Woźniakowski is a co-founder of IBC and remains one of the most important figure in this area of research. His first papers in the spirit of IBC appeared in the late 70-ties , and soon after that a general setting of IBC was farmulated in his first monograpgh "A General Theory of Optimal Algorithms", 1980 (with J.F. Traub). In his career, Prof. Woźniakowski co-authored four monographs and wrote about 200 research papers. The last three-volume monograph "Tractability of Multivariate Problems", 2008, 2010, 2012 (with E. Novak) for which Prof. Woźniakowski was awarded the Banach Prize from the Polish Mathematical Society, treated problems defined on functions of a huge number of variables. This part of IBC, first formalized by Prof. Woźniakowski in 1994, is now a subject of intensive and rapidly growing research. Numerous conferences and seminars all over the world that he co-organized resulted in the development and popularization of the topic. He has infected many young researchers with his enthusiasm and interest in continuous complexity.
The general goal of IBC is to create a theory of computational complexity and optimal algorithms for continuous problems where available information is partial, noisy, and priced. It emerged some 35 years ago as a consequence of the need for a mathematical theory to study computational aspects of such problems. The theory is developed over abstract spaces, while the applications are usually for multivariate problems. Those problems and complexity questions arise in various disciplines, such as physics, economics, mathematical finance, computer vision, control theory, uncertainty quantification, geophysics, medical imaging, weather forcasting and climate prediction, and statistics.
Particular topics of the conference include: tractability of high dimensional problems, complexity of deterministic and stochastic differential equations, Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo integration, digital nets and lattice rules, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, ill-posed problems, noisy information, application to finance. The conference dinner honoring Prof. Woźniakowski will be on his birthday, August 31st.
The conference is co-organized and partially supported by the Banach Center and Warsaw Centre of Mathematics and Computer Science.