All lectures will take place on the third floor of the IMPAN building, ul. Śniadeckich 8 in room number 322.

Conference on Arithmetic Geometry.
We expect the participants to arrive in Warsaw on Sunday, July 14 in the evening/afternoon. Registration will be on Monday, at 9:15, third floor of the IMPAN building.
The talks will start at 9:30 on Monday, July 15 and they will last till Friday, July 19 (last talk finishes at 16:00). All talks will be in the IMPAN building, third floor, room number 322.
The official departure day is Saturday, July 20.
For an official poster of the conference click here
Invited speakers:
Grzegorz BanaszakAlexander Beilinson
Bhargav Bhatt
Andre Chatzistamatiou
Pierre Colmez
Gabriel Dospinescu
Hélène Esnault
Laurent Fargues
Jean-Marc Fontaine
Wojciech Gajda
Jochen Heinloth
Lars Hesselholt
Moritz Kerz
Marc Levine
Jan Nekovar
Vincent Pilloni
Kay Rülling
Marie-France Vignéras
Annette Werner
The conference is co-financed by:
Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science
Foundation Compositio Mathematica
L'Agence nationale de la recherche