
This conference will focus on applying set-theoretic analysis in the interactions between Banach spaces and compact spaces. Every Banach space X induces the dual ball BX* which is compact in the weak* topology and through which X can be successfully investigated. On the other hand every compact space K induces the Banach space C(K) of continuous functions on K, the construction which has been used to produce numerous conterexamples in the general Banach space theory. Combinatorial analysis of the geometry of Banach spaces and set-theoretic topology in the context of weak* and weak topologies associated with Banach spaces are the methods which turned out to be particularly successful in investigating the above intereactions.
The topics of the Workshop include:
- classes of compacta related to weak and weak* topologies: Radon-Nikodym compacta, Eberlein compacta, Corson compacta, etc.
- the structure of Banach spaces of the form C(K)
- biorthogonal systems in nonseparable Banach spaces
- consistency and independence results concerning Banach spaces
Look at the conference page:
Co-organizer of the conference:
Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science