Stochastic Analysis and Control. 50 years of scientific activities of Professor Jerzy Zabczyk

Important Data

Conference fee: 250 EUR or 1000 PLN

Będlewo meetings:
USD currency account: BIC/SWIFT: BPHKPLPK
PL 54 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 1028
EUR currency account: BIC/SWIFT: BPHKPLPK
PL 17 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 1015
PLN account: 90 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 0962


Bank BPH SA, Oddz. w Warszawie, Aleje Jerozolimskie 27, 00-508 Warszawa

Owner of the account: Instytut Matematyczny PAN, Warszawa, Sniadeckich 8

BIC - Bank Identifier Code
SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

Submission of contributed talks and posters: till April, 1st, 2013