Geometric Singularity Theory


Geometric Singularity Theory

Polish-Japanese Singularity Theory Working Days

Banach Center, Warsaw 7-11.09.2015



Sunday (6.09)

17:00 – 19:00 Registration


The lectures will be held in room 321 (3rd floor)


Monday (7.09)

9:15 Registration/Opening

9:30-10:15 Takashi Nishimura Strictly convex Wulff shapes and C^1 convex integrands

10:25-11:10 Zbigniew Szafraniec Mappings from R^4 to R^4 of rank 2


11:30-12:15 Shuichi Izumiya Darboux vector fields along curves on surfaces

12:25-13:10 Krzysztof Nowak The Łojasiewicz inequality and curve selection over Henselian rank one valued fields

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch

15:15-16:00 Ewa Stróżyna Non-orbital formal normal forms for germs of vector fields without linear part.

16:15-17:00 Tadeusz Mostowski A proof of the non-oscillation conjecture in dimension 3

17:30 Dinner

Tuesday (8.09)

9:30-10:15 Marcelo Saia On Segre numbers of homogeneous map germs

10:25-11:10 Osamu Saeki Singularity theory and data visualization


11:30-12:15 Vincent Grandjean Blow-analytic equivalence vs bi-Lipschitz contact equivalence

12:25-13:10 Takahiro Yamamoto Cobordism groups of Morse functions of surfaces with boundary

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch

15:15-16:00 Asahi Tsuchida Smooth singular horizontal curves of smooth distributions

17:00 Vernissage of Joanna Pętkowska’s watercolour exhibition “Warszawa-Berlin” at the Centre of Advanced Studies, Main building of the Warsaw University of Technology, Plac Politechniki 1, Room 152.


Wednesday (9.09)

9:30-10:15 Marcos Craizer Equiaffine Darboux frames for codimension 2 submanifolds contained in hypersurfaces

10:25-11:10 Keisuke Teramoto On principal curvatures of wave fronts with non-degenerate singular points


11:30-12:15 Atsufumi Honda Isometric immersions with singularities between space forms of the same positive curvature

12:25-13:10 Rafał Pierzchała Semialgebraic geometry and Markov's inequality

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch

Free afternoon

20:00-22:00 Chopin Concert –Lecture hall 237 (“Mała Aula”), Main building of the Warsaw University of Technology, Plac Politechniki 1


Thursday (10.09)

9:30-10:15 Michail Zhitomirskii Normal forms and symmetries of (2,3,5) distributions: 100 years from the Cartan's (2,5) variables paper

10:25-11:10 Kentaro Saji On pairs of geometric foliations on a cuspidal edge


11:30-12:15 Michał Zwierzyński Geometry of λ-affine equidistants sets of planar curves

12:25-13:10 Tomonori Fukunaga Evolutes and involutes of frontals in the Euclidean plane

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch

15:15-16:00 Goo Ishikawa Leibniz complexity of Nash functions on differentiations

16:15-17:00 Poster session

17:30 Dinner

Friday (11.09)

9:30-10:15 Jiro Adachi Contact round surgery and its applications

10:25-11:10 Piotr Mormul Tangentiality versus strong nilpotency in the Monster Tower


11:30-12:15 Artur Piękosz Generalized topology and bornological singularities

12:25-13:10 Grzegorz Oleksik On the Łojasiewicz exponent of quasihomogeneous polynomials at infinity

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch

15:15-16:00 Shun'ichi Honda Evolutes of framed curves in the Euclidean space