The conference “Geometry of jets and fields” is planned to be one of the activities of the research group associated to the project “Geometry of Jets and Field Theories” leaded by Prof. Janusz Grabowski. The project aims at providing a covariant and coordinate-free geometric framework for field theories and variational calculi of different types by combining the resources of the traditional differential geometry and the geometry of gauge and jet bundles with recently developed methods of graded geometry, supergeometry and homotopy algebras.
Our idea is to bring together people, working in mathematics and physics on subjects related to Mechanics and Field Theory, to present results, share their experiences and expertise. Moreover we plan to invite also scientists from India and China who work on similar problems to encourage new collaboration and get broader perspectives.
The main topics of the conference are- Geometry of multivector and jet bundles.
- Covariant formulation of field theories.
- Infinite order theories: geometry, symmetries, and reductions.
- Variational calculus.
- Supergeometric and cohomological methods in PDEs and field quantization.