The conference Probabilistic Aspects of Harmonic Analysis is a continuation of the conferences:
Probabilistic Aspects of Harmonic Analysis, Będlewo, Poland, 2014,
Probabilistic Aspects of Harmonic Analysis, Będlewo, Poland, 2012,
Analysis, Geometry and Probability Related to Group Actions, Zakopane, Poland, 2010,
Harmonic Analysis and Group Actions in Analysis, Geometry and Probability, Zakopane, Poland, 2008,
Harmonic Analysis and Related Problems, Zakopane, Poland, 2006,
Analysis and Probability Related to solvable Lie Groups, Zakopane, Poland, 2002,
Real and Complex Harmonic Analysis Related to Homogeneous Manifolds, Zakopane, Poland, 2001.
The scope of the conference covers a number of topics in analysis and probability, including:
analysis related to Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces,
harmonic analysis,
discrete harmonic analysis,
stochastic recursions and branching processes,
probability related to geometric structures,
functional inequalities and concentration of measure,
Lévy processes.
There is a number of invited and contributed talks planned. A special session devoted to talks by young reserchers shall take place on the first day of the conference.
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