Monday, 1st of July |
8:00 | Registration |
8:50 |
Opening and general information (Andrzej Krolak, IMPAN) |
9:00 |
The theory of gravitational radiation (Piotr Jaranowski, University of Bialystok) |
10:00 | Break |
10:15 |
Observational estimates of the compact binary coalescence rates (Tomek Bulik, Warsaw University) |
11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:35 |
(Piotr Jaranowski, University of Bialystok) |
12:35 | Lunch |
14:15 |
Responses of detectors to gravitational waves
(Piotr Jaranowski, University of Bialystok ) |
15:15 | Break |
15:30 |
Theoretical evolutionary predictions for NS-NS, BH-NS and BH-BH merger rates (Chris Belczynski, Warsaw University and University of Brownsville) |
Tuesday, 2nd of July |
9:00 |
Formations Channels and Physical Properties of NS-NS, BH-NS and BH-BH systems (Chris Belczynski, Warsaw University and University of Brownsville ) |
10:00 | Break |
10:15 |
Synthetic Universe: database of double compact objects (Michal Dominik, Warsaw University) |
11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:35 |
(Patrick Sutton, Cardiff University) |
12:35 | Lunch |
14:15 |
Continuous waves from elastic deformations (Ben Owen, Penn State University) |
15:15 | Break |
15:30 |
(Patrick Sutton, Cardiff University) |
Wednesday, 3rd of July |
9:00 |
Burst data analysis II (Patrick Sutton, Cardiff University) |
10:00 | Break |
10:15 |
Continuous waves from magnetic deformations (Ben Owen, Penn State University) |
11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:35 |
Probability theory and Signal detection in noise I (Reinhard Prix, Albert Einstein Institute - Hanover) |
12:35 | Lunch |
14:15 | Probability theory and Signal detection in noise II (Reinhard Prix, Albert Einstein Institute - Hannover) |
15:15 | Break |
15:30 | Continuous waves from r-modes (Ben Owen, Penn State University) |
Thursday, 4th of July |
9:00 |
Probability theory and Signal detection in noise III (Reinhard Prix, Albert Einstein Institute - Hannover) |
10:00 | Break |
10:15 |
The Geometry of Gravitational Wave Detection (John T. Whelan, Rochester Institute of Technology) |
11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:35 |
Fourier Analysis and Signal Processing (time permitting) (John T. Whelan, Rochester Institute of Technology) |
12:35 | Lunch |
14:15 |
Continuous Wave Data Analysis: Semi-Coherent Methods (Badri Krishnan, Albert Einstein Institute - Hannover) |
15:15 | Break |
15:30 |
Coffee POSTER SESSION 1. New Approach for Constructing Time-Domain Inspiral Templates for Spinning Compact Binaries (Anuradha Gupta, Tata Institute fro Fundamental Research, Mumbai) 2. Dynamics of superfluid neutron stars (Vanessa Graber, University of Southampton) 3. A new method to search for massive black hole binaries (Pablo A. Rosado & Alberto Sesana, Albert Einstein Institute - Hannover) 4. The effects of equation of state and differential rotation on maximum mass of neutron stars 5. Differentially Rotating Strange Quark Stars (Magdalena Szkudlarek, University of Zielona Góra) |
Friday, 5th of July |
9:00 |
Compact Binary data analysis I (Badri Krishnan, Albert Einstein Institute - Hannover) |
10:00 | |
10:15 |
Continuous Wave Data Analysis: Fully Coherent Methods (John T. Whelan, Rochester Institute of Technology) |
11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:35 |
Compact Binary Data Analysis II (Badri Krishnan, Albert Einstein Institute - Hannover) |
12:35 | Lunch |
14:15 |
Searches for Stochastic Backgrounds (John T. Whelan, Rochester Institute of Technology) |
15:15 | Summary/Review |