Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations


The conference fee is 500 Euro (2000 PLN for Polish participants) for the school and conference. The fee is reduced to 300 Euro (1200 PLN) for participants who want to attend only the school or conference.

The fee covers an accommodation in a double or single room (depending on availability), full day meals, transportation from and to Poznan, a banquet, an excursion and school/conference materials.

The fee can be paid by a bank transfer to the following account:

Instytut Matematyczny PAN with the note: AAGADE-firstname-lastname
Name of the bank: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Address: Aleje Jerozolimskie 7, 00-955 Warszawa, POLAND
Account number:
IBAN: PL 80 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0008 - payments in EURO.

Payments in Polish zlotych:
Instytut Matematyczny PAN with the note: AAGADE-firstname-lastname
Name of the bank: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Account number: 48 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0002


The conference fee can also be paid at the reception desk upon arrival in cash or by credit cards (Visa or MasterCard). In case of a bank transfer please bring a confirmation with you.


The Organizers offer 20 grants for PhD students, which cover costs of participation in the school (excluding travel costs). The applicants are kindly asked to send their CV and a letter of recommendation from their supervisors to the Organizers (e-mail: by May 31, 2015. The decisions will be sent promptly.