Convex, Discrete and Integral Geometry

Travel information

Updated information about the shuttle bus and taxis


Shuttle bus:

Departure time: 18:00

Place: Poznan Railway Station. The bus will wait at "Dworzec letni" building at "Poznan Glowny" train station.

To get to the bus:

  • exit the main building,
  • go 200m toward/under the road bridge, to the small yellow building of the train station (with sign "Dworzec letni"). Buses will wait there with sign"Bedlewo".



The map is available here.


Taxis at train station:

The taxi driver will be waiting near the ticket office (kasa) no 1. The taxi driver will display a banner saying "Bedlewo".


Taxis at the airport:

The taxi driver will bewaiting near the exit from the arrivals hall, next to Currency Exchange Express and Information desk. The taxi driver will display a banner saying"Bedlewo".


Other information:

  • General information about how to get to Poznań and Będlewo can be found here: