The 6th International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications will be held at the Conference Center in Będlewo, Poland, from Monday, Sep 10, to Friday, Sep 14, 2012. It will be the 6th in a series of International Conferences on Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications. The previous ones were held in Seattle (2006), Seoul (2008), Beijing (2009), Osaka (2010) and Bonn (2011). The main topics of the conference series are:
1. Dirichlet forms and stochastic analysis
2. Jump processes
3. Stochastic partial differential equations
4. Stochastic analysis and geometry
5. Optimal transport and allocation problems
6. Potential theory
7. Random media, percolation clusters and fractals
8. Stochastic models in physics and biology.
These areas are strongly interrelated, take a central position in modern probability theory and analysis, and have been very active in recent years. The primary goal of the conference is to bring researchers from all over the world to survey their fields, exchange ideas and foster collaboration. We also wish to expose young researchers and PhD students to recent developments in active areas of probability theory.

The conference is supported by the Stefan Banach Centre and the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology at the Wrocław University of Technology.
The Conference Center is located in the village of Będlewo, near Poznań. The organizers recommend requesting a taxi from Poznań Airport or Poznań Railway Station via the reception of the Conference Center. In the details tab, please find the deadlines for the registration and submitting abstracts, details concerning the payment, resources of the Conference Center, transportation, accommodation, and travel recommendations.
Contact: 6ICSAA@pwr.wroc.pl