The organizers can contribute to covering local expences (accommodation and per diem 20-30 USD) for a restricted number of participants, with priority for outstanding PhD students and postdocs from Central-Eastern Europe, for the period of up to 4 weeks, not including the time of participating in the Semester conferences in Będlewo for which there is a separate registration. To be considered for this financial support, one should complete the registration not later than June 25, 2015.
Because of possible lack of space, the number of admitted participants will also be restricted. We suggest to register not later than June 25, 2015 to be considered. The admittances for the candidates registered after June 25, 2005 will be possible only exceptionally.
Note that some postdoc positions and PhD-students internships are available at IMPAN, with deadlines for applications May 20 or April 15 respectively. Some additional positions will be available in exceptional cases.
Invited participants will be supported (remunerated) according to the invitation letters they have received from the organizers (with per diems 30-50 USD).