Geometric Singularity Theory. Polish-Japanese Singularity Theory Working Days


Sunday (25.08)

Free discussion day

17:00 – 19:00 Registration (Banach Center 3rd floor, 321)

Monday (26.08)

Session devoted to prof. Stanisław Janeczko for his 60th-anniversary

9:00 Opening

Chairman: Keizo Yamaguchi

9:30-10:15 Goo Ishikawa

The work of S. Janeczko and history of Polish-Japanese singularity theory working days.

10:25-11:10 Michail Zhitomirskii

Homogeneous subsets of the tangent bundle


11:30-12:15 Shuichi Izumiya

Flat approximations of surfaces along curves

12:25-13:10 Zbigniew Jelonek

My cooperation with Staszek

Lunch at the canteen of Warsaw University of Technology, 2 Filtrowa Str.

Chairman: Zbigniew Szafraniec

15:00-15:45 Sergey Agafonov

On symmetries of singular implicit ODEs

17:30 Reception at the building of Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, 75 Koszykowa Str. (MiNI)

Tuesday (27.08)

Chairman: Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas

9:30-10:15 Zbigniew Szafraniec

Mappings from R^3 to R^3 and swallowtails

10:25-11:10 Konstantinos Kourliouros

Singularities of Functions on Manifolds with Boundary and Volume Forms


11:30-12:15 Vincent Grandjean

Tame Bi-Lipschitz contact equivalence of tame functions

12:25-13:10 Federico Sanchez-Bringas

Isometric reduction of codimension of submanifolds in space forms

Lunch at the canteen of Warsaw University of Technology, 2 Filtrowa Str.

Chairman: Shuichi Izumiya

15:00-15:45 Naohiko Kasuya

On codimension two contact embeddings


16:00-17:00 Posters session

17:30 The exhibition of prints by Hiroshige, "Fifty - three stations of the Tōkaidō" in the Center for Advanced Studies, Warsaw University of Technology Main Building room 152, Plac Politechniki 1.



Wednesday (28.08)

The session devoted to Peter Giblin for his 70th –anniversary

Chairman: Takuo Fukuda

9:30-10:15 Stanisław Janeczko

Peter’s generic geometry

10:25-11:10 Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas

Singularities of affine equidistants and extrinsic geometry of surfaces in 4-space


11:30-12:15 Goo Ishikawa

Singular path duality for Cartan distributions from geometric control theory

12:25-13:10 Marcos Craizer

Singularities of Even Dimensional Improper Affine Spheres

Lunch at the canteen of Warsaw University of Technology, 2 Filtrowa Str.

Chairman: Tadeusz Mostowski

15:00-15:45 Miriam Manoel

Normal forms of reversible equivariant mappings

17:30 Party at the building of Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, 75 Koszykowa Str. (MiNI)

Thursday (29.08)

Chairman: Mutsuo Oka

9:30-10:15 Takashi Nishimura

Topological aspect of Wulff shapes

10:25-11:10 Maria Michalska

Bounded polynomials


11:30-12:15 Kentaro Saji

Geometric invariants of cuspidal edges

12:25-13:10 Ewa Stróżyna

The complete formal normal form for the Bogdanov-Takens singularity

Lunch at the canteen of Warsaw University of Technology, 2 Filtrowa Str.

Chairman: Marcelo Saia

15:00-15:45 Piotr Mormul

The GMT (Goursat Monster Tower): explicit formulas for the Puiseux characteristics which label the strata


16:05-16:50 Masatomo Takahashi

Evolutes and involutes of fronts in the Euclidean plane


Friday (30.08)

Chairman: Maria Carmen Romero-Fuster

9:30-10:15 Marcelo Saia

Topological classification of co-rank two complex map germs from the plane to the plane

10:25-11:10 Mutsuo Oka

Mixed hypersurface with strongly polar weighted homogeneous faces


11:30-12:15 Andrzej Weber

Equivariant characteristic classes of singular varieties

12:25-13:10 Marcin Bilski

Approximation of holomorphic maps into singular varieties

Lunch at the canteen of Warsaw University of Technology, 2 Filtrowa Str.

Chairman: Goo Ishikawa

15:00-15:45 Handan Yıldırım

Contacts of Spacelike Hypersurfaces in De Sitter Space with φ-Hyperbolic Flat Hyperquadrics


16:05-16:30 Wataru Yukuno

Generic properties of singular trajectories on polynomial control affine system

18:00 Dinner at Banach Center 4th floor (IMPAN)