Aleksander Pełczyński Memorial Conference

List of talks with abstracts

Invited speakers


Apostolos Giannopoulos, Mean-width and mean-norm of isotropic convex bodies, Abstract

Bill Johnson, Olek’s last paper

Hermann König, Operator equations and domain dependence, Abstract

Vitali D. Milman, The reasons behind some classical constructions in geometry and analysis, Abstract

Gilles Pisier, Quantum expanders and C*-norms on tensor products of von Neumann algebras, Abstract

Thomas Schlumprecht, A new Proof of Zippin’s Embedding Theorem and Applications, Abstract

Stanisław Szarek, Asymmetry of convex sets and rough approximation by polytopes, Abstract



Contributed talks - 50 minute talks


Richard Haydon, Indecomposable extensions of separable Banach spaces, Abstract

Tadeusz Iwaniec, Weak and strong limits of Sobolev homeomorphisms, Abstract

Serguei Kislyakov, Pointwise estimates in the Carleson-Jacobs theorem, Abstract

Alexander Litvak, Approximating the covariance matrix with heavy tailed columns and RIP, Abstract

Boris S. Mityagin, Unconditional Systems of Spectral Projections – from W. Orlicz to A. Pelczynski and beyond, Abstract

Albrecht Pietsch, Traces and spectral properties of shift operators, Abstract

Mark Rudelson, Delocalization of eigenvectors of random matrices with independent entries, Abstract

Vladimir N. Temlyakov, From greedy approximation to greedy optimization, Abstract

Marius Junge, Grothendieck inequalities for three tensors, Abstract

Alexander Koldobsky, Hyperplane inequalities for measures of convex bodies, Abstract

Andras Zsak, Renorming Banach spaces with greedy basis, Abstract



Contributed talks - 35 minute talks


Vladimir Fonf, Almost overcomplete and almost overtotal sequences in Banach spaces, Abstract

Mieczysław Mastyło, Interpolation of Fremlin tensor products and Schur factorization of matrices, Abstract

Paul F.X. Müller, Decomposition for Hardy martingales, Abstract

Eve Oja, Principle of local reflexivity, respecting subspaces, and approximation properties of pairs, Abstract

Adam Paszkiewicz, The projections on subspaces and on closed convex sets. Some paradox and ultimate solutions, Abstract

Oleg I. Reinov, On nuclearity of operators with s-nuclear adjoints, Abstract

Vladimir G. Troitsky, p-multinormed spaces, Abstract

Dietmar Vogt, Smooth function spaces on self-similar sets, Abstract

Lutz Weis, Spectral multiplier theorems for sectorial operators on Banach spaces, Abstract



Contributed talks - 20 minute talks


Marek Bożejko, Uniformly amenable groups, Abstract

Stephen Dilworth, Almost transitive and maximal norms in Banach spaces, Abstract

Paweł Domański, Hadamard type operators for real analytic functions of several variables and moments of analytic functionals, Abstract

Henryk Hudzik, Monotonicity properties of Banach lattices and their applications, Abstract

Krzysztof Jarosz, How to recognize a multiplicative or an almost multiplicative functional? Abstract

Denka Kutzarova, The transfer of property (β) of Rolewicz by a uniform quotient map, Abstract

Sebastian Lajara, Construction of pathological Gâteaux differentiable functions, Abstract

Karol Leśnik, Pointwise products, pointwise multipliers and factorization, Abstract

Lech Maligranda, Structure of Cesaro function spaces and interpolation, Abstract

Vicente Montesinos, Preserved and unpreserved extreme points in Banach spaces, Abstract

Przemysław Ohrysko, On spectra of measures, Abstract

Krzysztof Piszczek, Maximal ideals in the noncommutative Schwartz space, Abstract

Radosław Szwedek, Entropy numbers and eigenvalues of operators, Abstract

Witold Wnuk, On Banach lattices with the Schur type properties, Abstract

Wiesław Żelazko, On a question of Olek, Abstract